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- Artikel-Nr.: MM23246
TrollV4 One of the best Troll Plugins with a GUI and much Features! ... mehr
Produktinformationen "TrollV4 - Troll Plugin with GUI"
TrollV4 One of the best Troll Plugins with a GUI and much Features!
/troll help
/troll server
/troll register
/troll changelog
/troll credits
/troll items
/troll gm
/troll v
/troll fly
The Permissions are:
Special Perms:
/troll - troll.player
What the Commands do?
/troll help - Displays all Commands
/troll changelog - Displays the Plugin Changelog
/troll credits - Displays the Credits
/troll items - Open the Item GUI
/troll - Open the User Troll GUI
/troll gm - Switch the Gamemode
/troll v - Let you go to Vanish
/troll fly - Let you Fly
/troll register - To Register you Server or You as Beta User
/troll server - Open Server Troll GUI
# ###############################
# # #
# # TrollV4 by Presti #
# # Configuration File #
# # #
# ###############################
Language: US
#Languages: US DE and CUSTOME
AutoUpdate: true
#Should the Plugin search for updates
Animations: true
#GUI Animations
Unsupport: false
#True = 1.10 - 1.14 False = 1.8 - 1.9
#If True there is no Support in case of errors
[code=YAML]# ###############################
# # #
# # TrollV4 by Presti #
# # Custome Message File #
# # #
# ###############################
FakeLeave: '&c[USER] &2is off'
Crash: 'java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: No further information'
Crash: "[PREFIX]You let the Player \xa7c[USER] \xa72Crash"
'1': '[PREFIX]TrollV4 by Presti'
'2': '[PREFIX]Troll Modus &aActive'
'3': '[PREFIX]Troll Vanish &aActive'
'4': '[PREFIX]&4Commands:'
'5': "[PREFIX]&4Player Troll GUI \xa78- \xa7c/troll"
'6': "[PREFIX]&4Server Troll GUI \xa78- \xa7c/troll server"
'7': "[PREFIX]&4Item Troll GUI \xa78- \xa7c/troll items"
'8': "[PREFIX]&4Troll Vanish \xa78- \xa7c/troll v"
'9': "[PREFIX]&4Gamemode \xa78- \xa7c/troll gm"
'10': "[PREFIX]&4Fly \xa78- \xa7c/troll fly"
'11': "[PREFIX]&4Credits \xa78- \xa7c/troll credits"
NoPerms: '[PREFIX]You do not have the permission for this command!'
Console: '[PREFIX]Youre not a Player!'
ArgumetsError: '[PREFIX]Unknown arguments please use /troll help'
'1': "&8\xbb"
'2': '[PREFIX]TrollV4 [VERSION]'
'3': '[PREFIX]All Commands /troll help'
'4': '[PREFIX]TrollV4 by'
'5': '[PREFIX]Presti'
'6': "&8\xbb"
ServerTrollCommand: '[PREFIX]Server Troll Inv was opened!'
ItemTrollCommand: '[PREFIX]Item Troll Inv was opened!'
Join: '[PREFIX]Youre now in Vanish!'
Quit: '[PREFIX]Youre not longer in Vanish!'
Join: '[PREFIX]You can fly now!'
Quit: '[PREFIX]You can not fly anymore!'
GamemodeCommand: '[PREFIX]Youre now in Gamemode 1!'
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50 ✖️
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100 ✖️ <3
150 ✖️ Thx Guys <3
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450 ✖️
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Have Fun

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Von: GeraCraft Am: 28.06.2019Ein Top Plugin!
Wirklich ein schönes Plugin und dazu noch komplett kostenlos
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